Friday, November 18, 2011

Extrovert or Introvert

I feel like I'm am a mix of extrovert and introvert. I tend to be friends with most people I meet, but I have a group of friends that I'm closest to, and I mostly do things with them. I like hanging out with friends, but depending on the situation, I might just want to go in my room alone. If everyone was an extrovert, I feel like it would be a lot louder, but we might all be more outgoing and understanding with other people because we would take the time to get to know them. If we were all introverts, I think that it would be a really cliquey world. No body would really want to step outside of their comfort zone. It could be a good thing. My opinion is that either could make a good leader, the extroverts just show it more. I have both types of friends. I think this is better because it gives me different experiences and lets me do different things with different people.

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